Bivalvia - Pectinida - Heteropectinidae
Full reference: J. B. Waterhouse. 1963. Etheripecten, a new aviculopectinid genus from the Permian. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 6:193-196
Belongs to Etheripecten according to J. B. Waterhouse 1982
See also Waterhouse 1963
Sister taxa: Etheripecten alatus, Etheripecten brevauriculatus, Etheripecten chandleri, Etheripecten dawsonensis, Etheripecten escalatus, Etheripecten fasciculicostatus, Etheripecten haydeni, Etheripecten hiemalis, Etheripecten latus, Etheripecten leniusculus, Etheripecten petulantus, Etheripecten plicatus, Etheripecten sichuanensis, Etheripecten stuflesseri, Etheripecten subquinquelineatus, Etheripecten tenuicollis, Etheripecten tianjungensis, Etheripecten trichotomus, Etheripecten wilczeki
Type specimen: TM3630, a valve (left valve). Its type locality is GS5078, Arthurton (G45/f8612), which is in a Wuchiapingian carbonate limestone in the "AG 4" Formation of New Zealand.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of New Zealand (4 collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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