Fistellaspongia inclinata Rigby and Maher 1995 (glass sponge)

Hexactinellida - Lyssacinosa - Brachiospongiidae

Full reference: J. K. Rigby and B. J. Maher. 1995. Age of the hexactinellid beds of the Roberts Mountains Formation, Snake Mountains, Nevada, and additions to the Silurian sponge fauna. Journal of Paleontology 69(6):1020-1029

Belongs to Fistellaspongia according to J. K. Rigby and B. J. Maher 1995

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: Its type locality is Loomis Creek, Snake Mountains, which is in a Ludlow marginal marine siltstone in the Roberts Mountains Formation of Nevada

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Loomis Creek, Snake Mountains

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