Hexactinellida - Reticulosa - Protospongiidae
Full reference: J. K. Rigby. 1978. Porifera of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Shale, from the Wheeler Amphitheater, House Range, in western Utah. Journal of Paleontology 52(6):1325-1345
Belongs to Diagoniella according to J. K. Rigby 1978
Sister taxa: Diagoniella cyathiformis, Diagoniella hindei, Diagoniella magna, Diagoniella mica, Diagoniella tubulara
Type specimen: Its type locality is Robert Harris Quarry, Wheeler Amphitheater, which is in a St Davids offshore shale in the Wheeler Shale Formation of Utah
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cambrian of United States (2: Utah collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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