Insecta - Blattodea - Necymylacridae
Alternative combination: Etoblattina johnsoni
Full reference: H. Woodward. 1887. Some new British Carboniferous cockroaches. The Geological Magazine, New Series, Decade III 4:49-58
Belongs to Aphthoroblattina according to H. Bolton 1922
See also Handlirsch 1906, Handlirsch 1920, Handlirsch 1922, Schneider 1983 and Woodward 1887
Sister taxa: Aphthoroblattina eggintoni, Aphthoroblattina fascigera, Aphthoroblattina irregularis
Type specimen: Its type locality is Coseley, near Dudley (Johnson coll), which is in a Westphalian B interdistributary bay shale in the United Kingdom
• Carboniferous of the United Kingdom (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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