†Euphylax fortis Rathbun 1918 (swimming crab)
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Malacostraca - Decapoda - Portunidae
Full reference: M. J. Rathbun. 1918. Decapod crustaceans from the Panama region. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 103:123-184
Belongs to Euphylax according to C. E. Schweitzer et al. 2010
See also Luque et al. 2017 and Rathbun 1918
Sister taxa: Euphylax callinecias, Euphylax callinectias, Euphylax domingensis, Euphylax dovii, Euphylax fortispinosus, Euphylax maculatus, Euphylax septendentatus
Type specimen: USNM 324233. Its type locality is USGS 5882k, Rio Banano, which is in a Piacenzian marine siliciclastic in the Rio Banano Formation of Costa Rica.
Ecology: semi-infaunal carnivore
Distribution: found only at USGS 5882k, Rio Banano
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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