†Lycophocyon hutchisoni Tomiya 2011 (carnivoran)
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Full reference: S. Tomiya. 2011. A new basal caniform (Mammalia: Carnivora) from the middle Eocene of North America and remarks on the phylogeny of early carnivorans. PLoS ONE 6(9):e24146
Belongs to Lycophocyon according to S. Tomiya 2011
Sister taxon: Lycophocyon tabrumi
Type specimen: UCMP 85202, a partial skull (right dentary fragment and cranial fragments). Its type locality is Laguna Riviera Quarry, which is in an Uintan terrestrial horizon in the Santiago Formation of California.
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore-omnivore
• Eocene of United States (6: California collections)
Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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