†Mourasuchus amazonensis Price 1964 (crocodilian)
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Reptilia - Crocodylia - Alligatoridae
Belongs to Mourasuchus according to G. M. Cidade et al. 2019
See also Bocquentin Villanueva 1984, Langston 1966, Riff et al. 2010 and Tineo et al. 2015
Sister taxa: Mourasuchus arendsi, Mourasuchus atopus, Mourasuchus pattersoni
Type specimen: DGM 526-R, a skull (Complete skull and jaw). Its type locality is Juruá River, which is in a Miocene fluvial-lacustrine horizon in the Solimoes Formation of Brazil.
Ecology: carnivore
• Pliocene of Brazil (1 collection)
• Miocene of Brazil (3)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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