Cremaster tytthus Brodkorb 1959 (perching bird)

Aves - Passeriformes - Icteridae

Full reference: P. Brodkorb. 1959. The Pleistocene avifauna of Arredondo, Florida. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, Biological Sciences 4(9):269-291

Belongs to Cremaster according to P. Brodkorb 1959

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: UF/PB 1663, a limb element (distal end of left tibiotarsus). Its type locality is Arredondo IIA, which is in a Pleistocene fissure fill horizon in the Wicomico Formation of Florida.

Ecology: volant insectivore-frugivore


• Quaternary of United States (2: Florida collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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