Mesohagla xinjiangensis Zhang 1996 (hump-winged cricket)

Insecta - Orthoptera - Haglidae

Full reference: H. C. Zhang. 1996. First discovery of fossil Haglidae (Orthoptera) in northwest China. Entomotaxonomia 18:249-252

Belongs to Mesohagla according to H. C. Zhang 1996

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: NIGP 126547, a tegmen. Its type locality is Tuzigou, Badaowan Fm, Karamay, which is in a Hettangian/Sinemurian fluvial sandstone in the Badaowan Formation of China.

Ecology: fast-moving ground dwelling herbivore

Distribution: found only at Tuzigou, Badaowan Fm, Karamay

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