†Sphaeronites pomum Volborth 1846
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Sphaeronitida - Sphaeronitidae
Alternative combinations: Echinosphaerites pomum, Echinus pomum, Glyptosphaerites leuchtenbergi
Synonym: Sphaeronites rossicum Hecker 1900 [replaced name]
Belongs to Sphaeronites according to S. L. Sheffield and C. D. Sumrall 2019
See also Sheffield and Sumrall 2017
Sister taxa: Sphaeronites (Ataphros), Sphaeronites (Peritaphros), Sphaeronites (Sphaeronites), Sphaeronites crateriformis, Sphaeronites globulus, Sphaeronites leuchtenbergi
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Ordovician of Estonia (3 collections), Sweden (18)
Total: 21 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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