Sphaeronitida - Sphaeronitidae
Alternative spelling: Sphaeronitoidea
Parent taxon: Sphaeronitida according to S. Sheffield and C. Sumrall 2017
See also Beaver et al. 1967, Bockelie 1984, Jell 2010, Mergl and Prokop 2006, Paul and Bockelie 1983, Prokop 1964 and Regnéll 1945
Sister taxa: Aristocystitidae, Holocystitidae
Subtaxa: Allocystites Archaegocystis Archegocystis Barbieria Bulbocystis Calix Diplosphaeronis Eucystis Haplosphaeronis Paleosphaeronites Sphaeronites Tetreucystis Tholocystis
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Devonian of the Czech Republic (8 collections)
• Silurian to Devonian of United States (1: Oklahoma)
• Silurian of Australia (1), United States (1: Indiana)
• Dobrotivian of the Czech Republic (2), France (1), Morocco (1), Spain (10)
• Arenig of China (1)
• Ordovician of Belarus (1), Belgium (5), China (3), the Czech Republic (3), Estonia (3), Iran (2), Morocco (2), Norway (26), Spain (8), Sweden (45), the United Kingdom (8)
• Tremadoc of the Czech Republic (4)
Total: 136 collections including 151 occurrences