Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Triplesiidae
Full reference: F. M'Coy. 1846. A synopsis of the characters of the Silurian fossils of Ireland: collected from several districts by Richard Griffith 1-72
Belongs to Triplesia according to F. M'Coy 1846
See also Cocks 2014 and Wright 1960
Sister taxa: Triplesia calcifera, Triplesia carinata, Triplesia craigensis, Triplesia edgelliana, Triplesia eospiriferoides, Triplesia extans, Triplesia girvanensis, Triplesia hintsae, Triplesia iberica, Triplesia insularis, Triplesia maennili, Triplesia sortanensis, Triplesia subcarinata, Triplesia woodlandensis, Triplesia yichangensis, Triplesia zhejiangensis
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Triplesia monilifera in the database
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