†unranked clade Spalacotheriida Prothero 1981 (symmetrodont)
Full reference: D. R. Prothero. 1981. New Jurassic mammals from Como Bluff, Wyoming, and the interrelationships of non-tribosphenic Theria. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 167(5):277-326
Parent taxon: Symmetrodonta according to A. O. Averianov and A. V. Lopatin 2011
See also Prothero 1981
Sister taxa: Amphidontidae, Barbereniidae, Kuehneon, Tinodontida, Trishulotherium, Woutersiidae
Subtaxa: none
Ecology: scansorial insectivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Spalacotheriida in the database