Trilobita - Phacopida - Pterygometopidae
Alternative combinations: Toxochasmops extensus, Trilobites extensus
Belongs to Toxochasmops (Toxochasmops) according to A. Roomusoks 1998
See also Bruton and Owen 1979, Hurst 1979, Liberty 1969 and Owen and Harper 1982
Sister taxa: Toxochasmops (Toxochasmops) estonicus, Toxochasmops (Toxochasmops) granuliferus, Toxochasmops (Toxochasmops) inge, Toxochasmops (Toxochasmops) macrourus, Toxochasmops (Toxochasmops) notabilis, Toxochasmops (Toxochasmops) vormsiensis, Toxochasmops (Toxochasmops) wesenbergensis
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore
• Ordovician of Norway (22 collections)
Total: 22 collections each including a single occurrence
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