Eudolops tetragonus Ameghino 1897 (metatherian)

Mammalia - Polydolopimorphia - Polydolopidae

Synonyms: Eudolops acuminatus Ameghino 1902, Eudolops caroliameghinoi Ameghino 1903, Promysops acuminatus Ameghino 1902, Propolymastodon cardatus Ameghino 1903, Propolymastodon caroliameghinoi Ameghino 1903

Full reference: F. Ameghino. 1897. Mammiféres crétacés de l’Argentine (Deuxième contribution à la connaissance de la fauna mammalogique de couches à Pyrotherium) [Cretaceous mammals of Argentina (second contribution to the knowledge of the mammalian fauna of the Pyrotherium Beds)]. Boletin Instituto Geografico Argentino 18(4–9):406-521

Belongs to Eudolops according to L. G. Marshall 1982

See also Ameghino 1897, Ameghino 1902 and Simpson 1948

Sister taxa: none

Type specimens:

  • Eudolops tetragonus: MACN 10358, a tooth (isolated right M1 missing posterolabial corner). Its type locality is Barranca south of Lago Colhue-Huapi, Gran Barranca, which is in a Bartonian terrestrial claystone in the Sarmiento Formation of Argentina.
  • Promysops acuminatus: MACN 10340a, a mandible (anterior part of an edentulous right mandibular ramus with alveoli of two small incisors and C, part of diastema and alveoli of P3, and anterior alveolus of M1). Its type locality is Barranca south of Lago Colhue-Huapi, Gran Barranca, which is in a Bartonian terrestrial claystone in the Sarmiento Formation of Argentina.
  • Propolymastodon cardatus: MACN 10333, a mandible (part of a left mandibular ramus with M1-2). Its type locality is Barranca south of Lago Colhue-Huapi, Gran Barranca, which is in a Bartonian terrestrial claystone in the Sarmiento Formation of Argentina.
  • Propolymastodon caroliameghinoi: MACN 10334, a mandible (greater part of a left mandibular ramus with P3-M3 complete and an isolated right C). Its type locality is Barranca south of Lago Colhue-Huapi, Gran Barranca, which is in a Bartonian terrestrial claystone in the Sarmiento Formation of Argentina.

Ecology: scansorial omnivore


• Eocene of Argentina (6 collections)

Total: 6 collections including 9 occurrences

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