Punadolops alonsoi Pascual 1983 (metatherian)

Mammalia - Polydolopimorphia - Prepidolopidae

Alternative combination: Prepidolops alonsoi

Full reference: R. Pascual. 1983. Novedosos marsupiales paleĆ³genos de la FormaciĆ³n Pozuelos (Grupo Pastos Grandes) de la Puna, Salta, Argentina. Ameghiniana 20:265-286

Belongs to Punadolops according to F. J. Goin et al. 1998

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: MLP 81-XI-15-1, a maxilla (Fragment of right maxilla with complete P3-M2). Its type locality is Pozuelos salt flat, Quebrada El Paso, which is in a Priabonian terrestrial horizon in the Geste Formation of Argentina.

Ecology: scansorial omnivore


• Eocene of Argentina (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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