Reptilia - Squamata - Anguidae
Alternative spelling: Gerrhonotidae
Parent taxon: Anguidae according to M. A. Norell 1989
See also Cope 1871, Cope 1875, Estes 1964, Estes 1983, Hay 1902, Kuhn 1966, McDowell and Bogert 1954 and McGrew et al. 1959
Sister taxa: Anguinae, Anniellinae, Bainguis, Barisia, Diploglossinae, Elgaria, Glyptosaurinae, Machaerosaurus, Odaxosaurinae, Odaxosaurus, Ophisauromimus, Rajaurisaurus, Xestops lentus, Xestops microdus, Xestops minutus, Xestops piercei
Subtaxa: Abronia Barissia Coloptychon Gerrhonotus Paragerrhonotus
Ecology: insectivore-carnivore
• Quaternary of United States (4: California collections)
• Blancan of United States (1: California)
• Miocene of United States (15: California, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming)
• Eocene of United States (7: North Dakota, Wyoming)
• Clarkforkian of United States (1: Wyoming)
• Paleocene of United States (1: Montana)
• Cretaceous of United States (2: Wyoming)
Total: 31 collections including 32 occurrences