Bivalvia - Cardiida - Mactridae
Alternative combinations: Mactra ashburnerii, Spisula (Cymbophora) ashburnerii, Spisula ashburnerii
Full reference: W. M. Gabb. 1864. Description of the Cretaceous fossils. Geological Survey of California Palaeontology 1:57-217
Belongs to Cymbophora according to L. R. Saul 1974
See also Gabb 1864, Gabb 1869, Packard 1916, Popenoe 1937 and Stewart 1930
Sister taxa: Cymbophora bella, Cymbophora buttensis, Cymbophora gabbiana, Cymbophora moevusi, Cymbophora okadakensis, Cymbophora popenoei, Cymbophora stantoni, Cymbophora suciensis, Cymbophora triangulata, Cymbophora warrenana, Spisula (Cymbophora) berryi, Spisula (Cymbophora) wordeni
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of United States (40: California collections)
Total: 40 collections each including a single occurrence
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