Cifelliodon wahkarmoosuch Huttenlocker et al. 2018 (mammal)

Mammalia - Allotheria - Hahnodontidae

Full reference: A. K. Huttenlocker, D. M. Grossnickle, J. I. Kirkland, J. A. Schultz, and Z.-X. Luo. 2018. Late-surviving stem mammal links the lowermost Cretaceous of North America and Gondwana. Nature 558:108-112

Belongs to Cifelliodon according to A. K. Huttenlocker et al. 2018

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: UMNH VP 16771, a skull. Its type locality is Andrew's Site (UMNH VP Loc. 1207), which is in a Valanginian channel sandstone in the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah.

Ecology: scansorial insectivore

Distribution: found only at Andrew's Site (UMNH VP Loc. 1207)

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