Notiomastodon platensis Ameghino 1888 (gomphothere)

Mammalia - Proboscidea - Gomphotheriidae

Alternative combinations: Mastodon platensis, Stegomastodon platensis

Synonyms: Amahuacatherium peruvium Romero-Pittman 1996, Haplomastodon (Aleamastodon) guayasensis Hoffstetter 1952, Haplomastodon chimborazi Proaño 1922, Haplomastodon waringi Holland 1920, Mastodon bonaerensis Moreno 1888, Mastodon superbus Ameghino 1888, Notiomastodon ornatus Cabrera 1929, Stegomastodon superbus Ameghino 1888, Stegomastodon waringi Holland 1920

Belongs to Notiomastodon according to D. Mothé et al. 2012

See also Ameghino 1889, Cabrera 1929, Campbell et al. 2000, Dantas and Tasso 2007, Hoffstetter 1952, Mothé and Avilla 2015, Mothé et al. 2017, Mothé et al. 2016, Paula Couto 1956 and Zurita et al. 2004

Sister taxon: Haplomastodon (Aleamastodon)

Ecology: ground dwelling browser

Average measurements (in mm): Cranium, Max longitudinal diameter of premaxillae diameter 71.5, Cranium, Max longitudinal diameter of temporal fossa at level of jugal arcade diameter 112.5, Cranium, Max orbital diameter diameter 190.0, Distal upper incisor diameter 57.9, Proximal upper incisor diameter 123.0


• Quaternary of Argentina (47 collections), Brazil (48), Chile (16), Colombia (12), Ecuador (14), Peru (5), Uruguay (6), Venezuela (4)

• Pliocene of Argentina (1)

• Huayquerian of Brazil (1)

• Miocene to Pliocene of Brazil (1)

• Neogene of Brazil (1)

• Miocene of Brazil (1), Peru (1)

Total: 158 collections including 161 occurrences

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