Trilobita - Redlichiida - Biceratopsidae
Alternative combination: Olenellus euryparia
Full reference: A. R. Palmer and R. B. Halley. 1979. Physical Stratigraphy and Trilobite Biostratigraphy of the Carrara Formation (Lower and Middle Cambrian) in the Southern Great Basin. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1047:1-131
Belongs to Bolbolenellus according to B. S. Lieberman 1999
See also Palmer and Halley 1979 and Palmer and Repina 1993
Sister taxa: Bolbolenellus altifrontatus, Bolbolenellus brevispinus, Bolbolenellus groenlandicus, Bolbolenellus hermani, Bolbolenellus sphaerulosus
Type specimen: USNM 177204
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder
• Cambrian of United States (4: California collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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