†Microhelodon Broom 1931 (therapsid)
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Osteichthyes - Therocephalia - Bauriidae
Full reference: R. Broom. 1931. Notices of some new genera and species of Karroo fossil reptiles. Records of the Albany Museum 4:161-166
Parent taxon: Bauriidae according to R. Broom 1931
Sister taxa: Antecosuchus, Bauria, Bauriinae, Dongusaurus, Dongusaurus schepetovi, Hazhenia, Nothogomphodontinae, Sesamondontoides, Traversodontoides
Subtaxa: Microhelodon eumerus
Ecology: herbivore
Distribution: found only at Burgersdorp Area (Triassic of South Africa)
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