†Clementia elongata Wiedey 1928 (venus clam)
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Bivalvia - Cardiida - Veneridae
Full reference: L. W. Wiedey. 1928. Notes on the Vaqueros and Temblor formations of the California Miocene with descriptions of new species. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 5(10):95-182
Belongs to Clementia according to L. W. Wiedey 1928
Sister taxa: Clementia (Clementia), Clementia (Egesta), Clementia conradiana, Clementia fischeri, Clementia inequalis
Type specimen: SDSNH 35, a valve. Its type locality is LSJU loc. 432, which is in a Miocene coastal sandstone in the Temblor Formation of California.
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at LSJU loc. 432
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