Piarorhynchella kittli Gaetani 2019 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Norellidae

Full reference: M. Gaetani. 2019. Taxonomic names, in Upper Spathian to Bithynian (Lower to Middle Triassic) brachiopods from North Dobrogea (Romania). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 125:91-123

Belongs to Piarorhynchella according to M. Gaetani 2019

Sister taxa: Nudirostralina dieneri, Nudirostralina griesbachi, Nudirostralina lissosinus, Nudirostralina longa, Nudirostralina mangyshlakensis, Nudirostralina minuta, Nudirostralina mutabilis, Nudirostralina subsphaerica, Nudirostralina subtrinodosi, Nudirostralina tazawai, Nudirostralina tenuicostata, Nudirostralina trinodosi, Piarorhynchella selongensis, Piarorhynchella gujiaoensis, Piarorhynchella triassica

Type specimen: LPB IIIb 869, a shell. Its type locality is Mahmudia Quarry, Caeracul Mare Hill, sample 114, which is in a Bithynian reef, buildup or bioherm bindstone in the Caerace Formation of Romania.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at Mahmudia Quarry, Caeracul Mare Hill, sample 114

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