Bivalvia - Ostreida - Flemingostreidae
Alternative combinations: Agerostrea ungulata, Ostracites ungulatus, Ostrea (Alectryonia) ungulata, Ostrea ungulata
Synonyms: Agerostrea larva Lamarck 1819, Alectryonia larva Lamarck 1819, Ostrea larva Lamarck 1819, Ostrea schafhaeutlii Coquand 1869
Full reference: J. Böhm. 1891. Die Kreidebildungen des Fürbergs und Sulzbergs bei Siegsdorf in Oberbayern. Palaeontographica 38:1-106
Belongs to Agerostrea according to M. R. Cooper 2002
See also Böhm 1891, Klinger and Malchus 2008 and Malchus 1990
Sister taxa: Agerostrea falcata, Agerostrea mesenterica, Agerostrea rouxi
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Cretaceous of Algeria (1 collection), Bulgaria (1), Egypt (3), France (3), Germany (4), India (1), Jordan (1), Kazakhstan (2), Libya (2), Madagascar (1), Mozambique (1), the Netherlands (2), Oman (1), Pakistan (1), the Russian Federation (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), South Africa (1), Spain (3), Tunisia (1), United States (3: New Jersey, North Carolina)
Total: 34 collections including 36 occurrences
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