Gastropoda - Heterostropha - Planorbidae
Alternative spelling: Planorbis (Segmentina)
Parent taxon: Planorbidae according to M. Harzhauser and H. Binder 2004
See also Durham 1944
Sister taxa: Anisus, Armiger, Australorbis, Bathyomphalus, Bulininae, Burnupia, Ceratophallus, Gyraulus, Hippeutis, Micromenetus, Neoplanorbinae, Orygoceras, Planorbella, Planorbina, Planorbinae, Promenetus, Pseudancylus, Rhodacmeinae, Tropicorbis, Vorticifex, Hebetoncylus, Laevapex, Ancylus, Pettancylus, Umbrellancylus
Subtaxa: Segmentina durhami Segmentina filocincta Segmentina lartetii Segmentina loczyi
Ecology: epifaunal
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Egypt (1 collection)
• Miocene of Austria (1), Germany (1), Hungary (2), Serbia and Montenegro (1)
• Eocene of United States (1: Washington)
Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence
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