Synonyms: Annularites Halle 1927, Kashmiropteris Kapoor 1977, Kawizophyllum Kapoor 1977
Parent taxon: Sphenopsida according to S. Chandra and R. Tewari 1991
See also Andrews 1970 and Kimura and Kim 1988
Sister taxa: Archaeocalamites, Bengalia, Brukmannia, Calamospora, Carpannularia, Ceratophyllites, Endocalamites, Eupalaeostachya, Kallostachys, Lilpopiaceae, Paracalamites, Prynadaia, Sphenostrobus, Sphondylophyton
Subtaxa: Lobatannularia ensifolia Lobatannularia inequifolia Lobatannularia lingulata Lobatannularia sinensis
Type: Lobatannularia inequifolia
• Jurassic of Greenland (8 collections), the Russian Federation (2)
• Triassic of China (1), Japan (1), Kyrgyzstan (1), the Russian Federation (4)
• Permian of China (87), Egypt (1), India (2), Iraq (1), Malaysia (2), Mexico (1), North Korea (6), the Russian Federation (3), Saudi Arabia (2), South Korea (5), Spain (1), Turkey (2), United States (1: Texas)
Total: 131 collections including 175 occurrences
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