Nebrius thielensis Winkler 1874

Chondrichthyes - Orectolobiformes - Ginglymostomatidae

Alternative combinations: Ginglymostoma thielense, Ginglymostoma thielensi, Plicodus thielensis

Belongs to Nebrius according to J. A. Ebersole et al. 2019

See also Case et al. 2015, Casier 1958, Leriche 1926 and Stromer 1910

Sister taxa: Nebrius bequaerti, Nebrius concolor, Nebrius ferrugineus, Nebrius obliquus, Nebrius serra


• Eocene of United States (4: Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Virginia collections)

• Paleocene of United States (1: Mississippi)

Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence

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