Igonoia onoensis Squires 2011 (snail)

Gastropoda - Trochoidea - Turbinidae

Full reference: R. L. Squires. 2011. A new genus of Cretaceous margaritine gastropod (Turbinidae) from the northeastern Pacific Ocean. The Nautilus 125(3):137-149

Belongs to Igonoia according to R. L. Squires 2011

Sister taxa: Igonoia angulata, Igonoia kieli, Igonoia levimargarita, Igonoia muiri, Igonoia occidentalis, Igonoia shastana, Igonoia stewarti, Igonoia vacca

Type specimen: LACMIP 13686, a shell. Its type locality is UCLA loc. 3476, Coyote Creek, which is in a Cenomanian marine sandstone in the Budden Canyon Formation of California.

Ecology: epifaunal grazer

Distribution: found only at UCLA loc. 3476, Coyote Creek

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