Combretum miocenicum Prasad and Tripathi 2000 (bushwillow)

Dicotyledoneae - Myrtales - Combretaceae

Full reference: M. Prasad and P. P. Tripathi. 2000. Plant megafossils from the Siwalik sediments of Bhutan and their climatic significance. Biological Memoirs 26(1):6-19

Belongs to Combretum according to M. Prasad and P. P. Tripathi 2000

Sister taxa: Combretum obovalis, Combretum ovalis, Combretum prechinense, Combretum purniyagiriense, Combretum sahnii, Combretum wilcoxensis

Type specimen: MLK College, Balrampur, Bt. 42. Its type locality is Lakshmi River, which is in a Miocene fluvial horizon in Bhutan.

Ecology: "photoautotroph"

Distribution: found only at Lakshmi River

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