Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Merycoidodontidae
Alternative combinations: Merycochoerus laticeps, Pronomotherium laticeps
Synonyms: Brachycrus altiramus Douglass 1901, Brachycrus buwaldi Merriam 1919, Brachycrus buwaldi barstowensis Schultz and Falkenbach 1940, Brachycrus elrodi Douglass 1901, Brachycrus madisonius Douglass 1901, Brachycrus sweetwaterensis Schultz and Falkenbach 1940, Brachycrus vaughani Schultz and Falkenbach 1940, Brachycrus vaughani rioosoensis Schultz and Falkenbach 1968, Brachycrus wilsoni Schultz and Falkenbach 1940, Brachycrus wilsoni longensis Schultz and Falkenbach 1940, Desmatochoerus newchicagoensis Schultz and Falkenbach 1954, Merycochoerus altiramus Douglass 1901, Merycochoerus buwaldi Merriam 1919, Merycochoerus elrodi Douglass 1901, Merycochoerus madisonius Douglass 1901, Pronomotherium altiramum Douglass 1901, Pronomotherium altiramus Douglass 1901, Pronomotherium elrodi Douglass 1901, Pronomotherium madisonium Douglass 1901
Full reference: E. Douglass. 1900. New species of Merycochoerus in Montana. Part I. American Journal of Science 10(60):428-438
Belongs to Brachycrus according to M. S. Stevens et al. 2023
See also Douglass 1900, Douglass 1901, Douglass 1907, Douglass 1907, Hay 1902, Kelly and Lander 1988, Lander 1998, Matthew 1909, Merriam 1919, Schultz and Falkenbach 1940, Schultz and Falkenbach 1954, Schultz and Falkenbach 1968, Stevens and Stevens 2007, Tabrum and Nichols 2001, Thorpe 1924, Thorpe 1925 and Thorpe 1937
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Brachycrus laticeps mooki
Type specimens:
- Brachycrus laticeps: CM796, a partial skeleton (a nearly complete skull and lower jaw with some other bone fragments)
- Brachycrus buwaldi barstowensis: F:AM 42402, a partial skull.
- Brachycrus sweetwaterensis: F:AM 34498, a skull (Complete skull with I1-M3).
- Brachycrus vaughani: FAM 34492, a partial skeleton (Skull and mandible with I1/1 - M3/3, 2 partial humeri, 2 ulnae, 2 radii, femur, tibia, pelvis, and vertebrae).
- Brachycrus vaughani rioosoensis: F:AM 72328, a partial skull.
- Brachycrus wilsoni: F:AM 34202, a partial skull (Skull with I1-I3 alv. and C/-M3, lacking nasals). Its type locality is Thomson Quarry, which is in a Hemingfordian terrestrial horizon in the Sheep Creek Formation of Nebraska.
- Brachycrus wilsoni longensis: F:AM 33574, a partial skull.
- Desmatochoerus newchicagoensis: F:AM 34480, a partial skull (Crushed partial skull (lacking dentition) and partial mandible with i1-i3 alv. and /c(br.)-m3).
- Merycochoerus altiramus: CMNH 759 and AMNH 9746, a mandible ( right ramus with /C-M3).
- Merycochoerus buwaldi: Its type locality is Barstow (UCMP 2057), which is in a Barstovian terrestrial horizon in the Barstow Formation of California.
- Merycochoerus elrodi: CM 818, a mandible (posterior portion of left ramus with M2 - M3 br.).
- Merycochoerus madisonius: CM 800, a mandible (partial right ramus with P1 - P4, rt. and M1 (br.)-M3 (br.)).
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Miocene of United States (35: California, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming collections)
Total: 35 collections including 36 occurrences
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