Kulparina rostrata Conway Morris and Bengtson 1990 (lamp shell)

Brachiopoda - Tommotiida

Synonyms: Eccentrotheca guano Bengtson et al. 1990, Eccentrotheca helenia Skovsted et al. 2011

Belongs to Kulparina according to Conway Morris and Bengston 1990

See also Bengtson et al. 1990 and Skovsted et al. 2011

Sister taxa: none

Type specimens:

  • Kulparina rostrata: SAMP 30698
  • Eccentrotheca guano: SAMP30596, a valve. Its type locality is 6429RS103 - Horse Gully, which is in an Atdabanian carbonate grainstone in the Kulpara Limestone Formation of Australia.
  • Eccentrotheca helenia: SAMP 42537.

Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder


• Cambrian of Australia (10 collections)

Total: 10 collections including 18 occurrences

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