Mammalia - Lagomorpha - Leporidae
Alternative combination: Palaeolagus brachyodon
Synonyms: Desmatolagus dicei Burke 1936, Montanolagus dicei Burke 1936
Full reference: W. D. Matthew. 1903. The fauna of the Titanotherium Beds at Pipestone Springs, Montana. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 19(6):197-226
Belongs to Megalagus according to D. Lofgren et al. 2020
See also Burke 1936, Dawson 1958, Gawne 1978, Green 1942, Matthew 1903 and Wood 1940
Sister taxa: Megalagus abaconis, Megalagus dawsoni, Megalagus primitivus, Megalagus turgidus
Type specimens:
- Megalagus brachyodon: Its type locality is Pipestone Springs, which is in a Chadronian terrestrial claystone in the Renova Formation of Montana
- Desmatolagus dicei:
Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser
• Eocene of Canada (2: Saskatchewan collections), United States (21: Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wyoming)
Total: 23 collections each including a single occurrence
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