Parahippus maxsoni Jahns 1940 (anchitheriine horse)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Equidae

Full reference: R. H. Jahns. 1940. Stratigraphy of the Easternmost Ventura Basin, California, with a Description of a New Lower Miocene Mammalian Fauna From the Tick Canyon Formation. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 514(9):145-194

Belongs to Parahippus according to R. H. Jahns 1940

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: CIT 1385, a partial skeleton (palate of immature individual with well- preserved deciduous grinding teeth, a cervical vertebra, part of a humerus, shaft of fibula and tibia, incomplete manus). Its type locality is Tick Canyon (CIT 201), which is in an Arikareean fluvial siltstone/sandstone in the Tick Canyon Formation of California.

Ecology: ground dwelling browser

Distribution: found only at Tick Canyon (CIT 201)

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