†Paranamatomys storeri Ostrander 1983 (rodent)
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Mammalia - Rodentia - Eomyidae
Alternative combination: Cupressimus storeri
Full reference: G. E. Ostrander. 1983. New early Oligocene (Chadronian) mammals from the Raben Ranch Local Fauna, northwest Nebraska. Journal of Paleontology 57(1):128-139
Belongs to Paranamatomys according to W. W. Korth 1992
See also Ostrander 1983
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: SDSM 10139, a mandible (left dentary fragment with broken incisor, P4-M1, and alveoli for M2). Its type locality is Raben Ranch, which is in a Chadronian terrestrial horizon in the Chadron Formation of Nebraska.
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
Distribution: found only at Raben Ranch
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