Peratherium comstocki Cope 1884 (marsupial)

Mammalia - Tribosphenida - Herpetotheriidae

Alternative combinations: Didelphis comstocki, Herpetotherium comstocki

Belongs to Peratherium according to L. Krishtalka and R. K. Stucky 1983

See also Hay 1902 and Hay 1930

Sister taxa: Peratherium africanus, Peratherium antiquum, Peratherium bretouense, Peratherium constans, Peratherium cuvieri, Peratherium edwardi, Peratherium elegans, Peratherium giselense, Peratherium lavergnense, Peratherium macgrewi, Peratherium matronense, Entomacodon angustidens

Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore


• Eocene of United States (9: Colorado, Texas, Wyoming collections)

Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence

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