Protictis haydenianus Cope 1882 (placental)

Mammalia - Ferae - Viverravidae

Alternative combinations: Didymictis haydenianus, Viverravus haydenianus

Synonyms: Didymictis primus Cope 1884, Prolimnocyon macfaddeni Rigby, Jr. 1980

Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1882. Synopsis of the Vertebrata of the Puerco Eocene epoch. Supplement on a new Meniscotherium from the Wasatch epoch. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 20:461-471

Belongs to Protictis according to T. J. Meehan and R. W. Wilson 2002

See also Alroy 2002, Cope 1882, Cope 1884, Gingerich and Winkler 1985, Hay 1902, MacIntyre 1966, Matthew 1897, Matthew 1909, Matthew 1937, Rigby 1980, Rose 1981, Scott 1892, Williamson 1996, Williamson and Lucas 1993 and Zack 2012

Sister taxa: Protictis (Bryanictis), Protictis (Protictis), Protictis (Protictoides), Protictis agastor, Protictis minor, Protictis paralus, Protictis simpsoni

Type specimens:

  • Protictis haydenianus: AMNH 3368, a partial skull (left maxilla with P3-M2 and left dentary with p4-m2)
  • Didymictis primus:
  • Prolimnocyon macfaddeni: Its type locality is Swain Quarry, which is in a Torrejonian terrestrial horizon in the Fort Union Formation of Wyoming.

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore


• Paleocene of United States (19: Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming collections)

Total: 19 collections including 20 occurrences

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