†Protictoides aprophatos Flynn and Galiano 1982 (placental)
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Mammalia - Ferae - Viverravidae
Alternative combination: Protictis aprophatos
Full reference: J. J. Flynn and H. Galiano. 1982. Phylogeny of early Tertiary Carnivora, with a description of a new species of Protictis from the middle Eocene of northwestern Wyoming. American Museum Novitates 2725:1-64
Belongs to Protictoides according to P. D. Gingerich and D. A. Winkler 1985
See also Flynn and Galiano 1982
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: Its type locality is Tepee Trail Bone Bed A, which is in an Uintan terrestrial horizon in the Tepee Trail Formation of Wyoming
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
Distribution: found only at Tepee Trail Bone Bed A
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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