Anthozoa - Stauriida - Amplexidae
Parent taxon: Amplexidae according to G.-X. Wang et al. 2018
See also Chen et al. 1997, Hill 1956 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Altaiophyllum, Amplexoides, Arnplexus, Bordenia, Heterophrentis, Lindstroemophyllum, Liuzhaiphylloides, Pilophyllia, Protopilophyllum, Synamplexoides
Subtaxa: Amplexus arundinaceus Amplexus breviseptatus Amplexus coralloides Amplexus nodulosus Amplexus pustulosus Amplexus salamonensis
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Permian of Australia (5 collections), Azerbaijan (1), China (2), East Timor (1), Indonesia (4), Italy (1), Myanmar (1), United States (4: Alaska, Texas), Vietnam (1)
• Carboniferous of Australia (2), Belgium (1), China (2), Ireland (7), Morocco (4), the Russian Federation (2), Turkey (1), Ukraine (2), the United Kingdom (21), United States (48: Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Montana, Tennessee, Utah, Wyoming)
• Devonian of Belgium (1), the Czech Republic (2), Morocco (2), United States (6: Alaska, New York)
• Silurian of Canada (10: Northwest Territories, Ontario), United States (4: California, Indiana, Wisconsin)
• Ordovician to Silurian of Canada (2: Northwest Territories)
Total: 137 collections including 143 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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