Hsuum Pessagno 1977 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Nassellaria - Hsuidae

Parent taxon: Hsuidae according to P. De Wever et al. 2001

See also Hull 1997 and Sepkoski 2002

Sister taxa: Linaresia, Parahsuum, Pseudohsuum, Semihsuum, Transhsuum

Subtaxa: Hsuum acutum Hsuum altile Hsuum amabile Hsuum arabicum Hsuum arenaense Hsuum belliatulum Hsuum brevicostatum Hsuum cuestaense Hsuum feliformis Hsuum gratum Hsuum lucidum Hsuum lupheri Hsuum matsuokai Hsuum maxwelli Hsuum mclaughlini Hsuum medium Hsuum mirabundum Hsuum modicum Hsuum mulleri Hsuum optimum Hsuum parasolense Hsuum parvulum Hsuum plectocostatum Hsuum robustum Hsuum rosebudense Hsuum rutogense Hsuum tamanense

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Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Cretaceous of Antarctica (1 collection), Austria (4), Italy (15), Oman (5), the Philippines (1), the Russian Federation (1), United States (1: California)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Austria (1), Italy (3), Oman (1)

• Jurassic of Albania (5), Antarctica (15), Armenia (2), Austria (3), Canada (40: British Columbia), China (1), Costa Rica (2), Germany (14), Greece (8), India (3), Indonesia (2), Italy (17), Japan (72), Malaysia (1), Mexico (17), New Zealand (2), Oman (10), the Philippines (3), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (34), Slovakia (7), Slovenia (5), Spain (6), Switzerland (3), Turkey (3), United States (72: Alaska, California, Oregon)

Total: 381 collections including 671 occurrences

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