Synonym: Stormbergia dangershoeki Butler 2005
Full reference: P. M. Galton. 1978. Fabrosauridae, the basal family of ornithischian dinosaurs (Reptilia: Ornithischia). Paläontologische Zeitschrift 52(1/2):138-159
Belongs to Lesothosaurus according to M. C. Herne et al. 2018
See also Arbour et al. 2014, Bittencourt and Kellner 2009, Breeden et al. 2021, Breeden and Rowe 2020, Buchholz 2002, Butler 2005, Butler et al. 2007, Butler and Sullivan 2009, Butler et al. 2008, Butler and Zhao 2009, Chure et al. 1994, Coombs 1980, Coombs 1982, Cruzado-Caballero et al. 2019, Desojo et al. 2020, Dieudonné et al. 2020, Dieudonné et al. 2016, Fuentes Vidarte et al. 2016, Galton 1978, Gand et al. 2007, Griffin and Nesbitt 2016, Han et al. 2012, Herne et al. 2019, Hunt and Lucas 1994, Irmis and Knoll 2008, Kammerer et al. 2012, Knoll 1999, Langer and Benton 2006, Langer et al. 2010, Madzia et al. 2018, Maryanska and Osmólska 1985, McDonald et al. 2010, Moro et al. 2020, Norman et al. 2004, Olsen and Galton 1984, Párraga and Prieto-Márquez 2019, Peng 1997, Pereda Suberbiola et al. 2006, Rotatori et al. 2022, Sereno 1991, Upchurch et al. 2007, Veiga et al. 2019, Verdú et al. 2015, Vickaryous et al. 2001, Weishampel 2004, Weishampel and Weishampel 1983 and Zheng et al. 2013
Sister taxa: none
Type specimens:
- Lesothosaurus diagnosticus: BMNH RU (UCL) B17, a skull. Its type locality is north flank, Likhoele Mountain (UCL), which is in a Hettangian/Sinemurian terrestrial sandstone in the Elliot Formation of Lesotho.
- Stormbergia dangershoeki: SAM-PK-K1105.
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Jurassic of Lesotho (3 collections), South Africa (2)
Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence
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