Strophostylus bivolve White and Whitfield 1862 (snail)

Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Platyceratidae

Alternative combinations: Platyceras bivolve, Strophostylus bivolvis

Full reference: C. A. White and R. P. Whitfield. 1862. Observations upon the rocks of the Mississippian Valley which have been referred to the Chemung Group of New York, together with descriptions of new species from the same horizon at Burlington, Iowa. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 8:289-306

Belongs to Strophostylus according to E. L. Yochelson and B.W. Saunders 1967

See also Keyes 1890, Weller 1900 and White and Whitfield 1862

Sister taxa: Strophostylus andrewsi, Strophostylus cancellata, Strophostylus chesterensis, Strophostylus cyclostomus, Strophostylus elegans, Strophostylus elevatus, Strophostylus fitchi, Strophostylus fortuitus, Strophostylus girtyi, Strophostylus globosus, Strophostylus matheri, Strophostylus nevadensis, Strophostylus obtusus, Strophostylus sargalensis, Strophostylus tantillus, Strophostylus transversus, Strophostylus unica, Strophostylus wortheni

Ecology: passively mobile epifaunal coprophage


• Carboniferous of United States (1: Iowa collection)

• Devonian of United States (1: Iowa)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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