Amphiscapha peruviana Chronic 1949 (snail)

Gastropoda - Euomphalina - Euomphalidae

Full reference: B.J. Chronic. 1949. Invertebrate paleontology (excepting fuslinids and corals). Upper Paleozoic of Peru

Belongs to Amphiscapha according to J. Chronic 1953

See also Chronic 1949

Sister taxa: Amphiscapha (Amphiscapha), Amphiscapha browni, Amphiscapha calix, Amphiscapha catilloides, Amphiscapha hollingsworthi, Amphiscapha intermedius, Amphiscapha marginatus, Amphiscapha mongolicus, Amphiscapha muricata, Amphiscapha proxima, Amphiscapha reedsi, Amphiscapha subquadrata, Amphiscapha subrugosa, Amphiscapha subsulcata, Amphiscapha uralensis

Type specimen: AMNH 27007/1:1, a shell. Its type locality is AMNH298, Bed 39a, Pasaje-Picchu Section 8, which is in an Asselian/Sakmarian marine limestone in Peru.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Permian of Peru (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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