Foraminifera - Rotaliacea - Rotaliidae
Parent taxon: Ammoniinae according to J.-P. Margerel 2012
See also Loeblich and Tappan 1984 and Sepkoski 2002
Sister taxa: Asterorotalia, Rotalinoides
Subtaxa: Ammonia ornata
Ecology: stationary semi-infaunal herbivore
• Quaternary of Argentina (2 collections), Australia (2), France (5), India (1), Italy (9), Poland (1), Suriname (3), Sweden (1), United States (7: New York, South Carolina, Virginia)
• Pliocene of Egypt (1), Greece (1), Italy (2), Spain (2), Taiwan (1), United States (2: Mississippi, South Carolina)
• Miocene of Algeria (3), Austria (5), Cuba (2), France (1), India (5), Italy (3), Kazakhstan (2), Libya (2), Malaysia (1), Panama (2), Peru (2), Poland (1), Romania (1), Slovakia (2), Spain (1), United States (1: Mississippi)
• Oligocene of Taiwan (2), Turkey (3)
• Eocene of Namibia (1), Taiwan (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1)
Total: 82 collections including 126 occurrences
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