Euphylax domingensis Rathbun 1919 (swimming crab)

Malacostraca - Decapoda - Portunidae

Full reference: M. J. Rathbun. 1919. West Indian Tertiary decapod crustaceans. Contributions to the Geology and Paleontology of the West Indies 157-184

Belongs to Euphylax according to C. E. Schweitzer et al. 2021

Sister taxa: Euphylax callinecias, Euphylax callinectias, Euphylax dovii, Euphylax fortis, Euphylax fortispinosus, Euphylax maculatus, Euphylax septendentatus

Type specimen: ANSP 2265, a carapace. Its type locality is Lower half of Yaqui del Norte River valley, which is in a Miocene/Pliocene marine siliciclastic in the Dominican Republic.

Ecology: semi-infaunal carnivore


• Pliocene of Cuba (1 collection)

• Miocene of Cuba (2), Mexico (1)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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