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Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Dactylioceratidae

Reynesocoeloceras was named by Geczy (1976) [Sepkoski's age data: J Plie-u Sepkoski's reference number: 302]. It is not extant.

It was assigned to Dactylioceratidae by Thomson and Smith (1992), Smith and Tipper (1996) and Sepkoski (2002); and to Reynesocoeloceratinae by Howarth (2013).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1976Reynesocoeloceras Geczy
1977Indunoceras Wiedenmayer
1992Reynesocoeloceras Thomson and Smith p. 30
1996Reynesocoeloceras Smith and Tipper p. 49
2002Reynesocoeloceras Sepkoski
2013Reynesocoeloceras Howarth p. 63

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classCephalopodaCuvier 1797
suborderAmmonitinaHyatt 1889
superfamilyEoderoceratoidea(Spath 1929)
familyDactylioceratidaeHyatt 1867
subfamilyReynesocoeloceratinaeDommergues 1986
genusReynesocoelocerasGeczy 1976

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Reynesocoeloceras Geczy 1976
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Reynesocoeloceras elmii Dommergues et al. 2011
Reynesocoeloceras fallax Fucini 1905
Reynesocoeloceras grahami Smith and Tipper 1996
Reynesocoeloceras indunense Meneghini 1867
Reynesocoeloceras obesum Fucini 1905
Reynesocoeloceras praeincertum Dommergues and Mouterde 1982
Invalid names: Indunoceras Wiedenmayer 1977 [synonym]
No diagnoses are available
shell height67.00--7.00-
shell diameter633.319.051.032.810.6
shell inflation68.00--8.00-

Composition: aragoniteo
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingo
Life habit: nektonico
Diet: carnivoreo
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2005-01-28 02:27:03
Modified: 2009-10-08 14:14:55
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Kiessling 2004, Kiessling 2003

Age range: base of the Whiteavesi to the top of the Kunae or 189.60000 to 184.10000 Ma

Collections (33 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Pliensbachian190.8 - 182.7Canada (British Columbia) R. grahami (33141) R. incertum (33264) R. sp. (198476) R. spp. (33250)
Whiteavesi189.6 - 186.7Canada (British Columbia) R. spp. (33134 33158)
Davoei189.6 - 183.0France R. simulans (147971)
Davoei189.6 - 183.0Tunisia R. sp. (84278)
Davoei189.6 - 183.0Morocco R. indunense (148887 148888) R. praeincertum (148884) R. simulans, R. fallax (148939)
Davoei - Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0France R. simulans (148091)
Early/Lower Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0USA (Nevada) R. sp. (207926)
Early/Lower Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0Canada (British Columbia) R. incertum (55595) R. sp. (53715 198479 198501)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Spain (Aragon) R. sp. (146718)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Portugal R. elmii (146441 146442 146443)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Morocco R. praeincertum (148882)
Ibex189.6 - 183.0Hungary (Veszprém Megye) R. praeincertum, R. obesum (81548)
Ibex - Davoei189.6 - 183.0Hungary R. obesum (78851)
Ibex - Margaritatus189.6 - 183.0France R. obesum (147794)
Late/Upper Pliensbachian189.6 - 183.0USA (Nevada) R. corvalani (207945 208003 208005 208012)
Freboldi186.7 - 185.7Canada (British Columbia) R. grahami (33112) R. incertum (33113)
Kunae185.7 - 184.1Canada (British Columbia) R. sp. (33122)