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Ostracoda - Palaeocopida - Scrobiculidae

Scrobiculidae was named by Posner (1951). Its type is Scrobicula.

It was assigned to Kirkbyacea by Benson et al. (1961); to Kirkbyoidea by Crasquin-Soleau (1997) and Liebau (2005); and to Leiocopina by Abushik (2015).


Synonymy list
YearName and author
1951Scrobiculidae Posner
1961Scrobiculidae Benson et al. p. Q168
1997Scrobiculidae Crasquin-Soleau p. 55
2005Scrobiculidae Liebau p. 120
2015Scrobiculidae Abushik p. 492

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
PancrustaceaZrzavý and Štys 1997
Hymenostraca(Rolfe 1969)
superclassOligostracaZrzavý et al. 1997
subclassPodocopaSars 1865
orderPalaeocopidaHenningsmoen 1953
orderLeperditellocopidaAbushik 1990
suborderLeiocopinaSchallreuter 1973
familyScrobiculidaePosner 1951
familyScrobiculidaePosner 1951

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Scrobiculidae Posner 1951
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G. †Lethiersa Crasquin 2008
Lethiersa salomonensis Crasquin 2008
Lethiersa sinusoventralis Crasquin 2008
Roundyella bellatula Bradfield 1935
Roundyella lebaensis Krommelbein 1958
Roundyella ludbrookae Fleming 1985
Roundyella neopapillosa Ishizaki 1964
Roundyella simplex Girty 1910
Roundyella simplicissima Knight 1928
Scrobicula microspinosa Kesling and Chilman 1978
Scrobicula xysta Kesling and Chilman 1978
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitec
Environment: hypersaline, marine, brackish, freshwaterc
Locomotion: actively mobilec
Life habit: epifaunalo
Diet: suspension feedero
Vision: limitedc
Created: 2010-02-06 00:42:06
Modified: 2010-02-23 22:46:12
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Alvarez et al. 2008, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Givetian to the top of the Griesbachian or 387.70000 to 250.50000 Ma

Collections (111 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Early/Lower Givetian388.1 - 383.7Czech Republic (Moravia) Roundyella augustai (5767)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7USA (New York) Bideirella reticulata, Roundyella concentrica (94047)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7USA (Ohio) Scrobicula xysta (81857 206972 206973 206974)
Givetian387.7 - 382.7USA (Michigan) Scrobicula xysta (38475 38476)
Frasnian382.7 - 372.2China (Hunan) Roundyella sp. (40946)
Kinderhookian358.9 - 352.0USA (Indiana) Roundyella mopacifa (6734)
Osagean352.0 - 343.0USA (California) Roundyella n. sp. aff. Scrobicula crestiformis (225970)
Meramecian343.0 - 335.5USA (Arkansas) Roundyella simplex (76148) Roundyella sp. (76118)
Chesterian335.5 - 323.2USA (Arkansas) Roundyella sp. (76146)
Serpukhovian330.9 - 323.2USA (Oklahoma) Roundyella bellatula (5611)
Pennsylvanian323.2 - 298.9USA (Texas) Amphissites simplicissimus (210784)
Desmoinesian312.8 - 306.0USA (Missouri) Amphissites simplicissimus (215052 215053)
Gzhelian303.7 - 298.9USA (Kansas) Amphissites simplicissimus (95377 133141 133148 133149)
Asselian298.9 - 295.5Austria Roundyella sp. (108503)
Permian298.9 - 251.902Italy Lethiersa salomonensis (106551)
Sakmarian293.52 - 290.1Australia (Western Australia) Roundyella ludbrookae (108208 108209 108210 108211 108223 108230 108236 108237 108241 108242 108243 108244 108245 108246 108247 108278 108279 108280 108281 108285 108287 108288 108292 108293 108294 108296 108297 108298 108299)
Sakmarian293.52 - 290.1China (Zhejiang) Roundyella papilliformis (120910)
Sakmarian293.52 - 290.1USA (Kansas) Amphissites simplicissimus (88235 95375)
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3Canada (British Columbia) Roundyella simplicissima (106671)
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3USA (Kansas) Amphissites simplicissimus (110316 110319)
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3China (Fujian) Roundyella simplicissima (95702)
Artinskian290.1 - 279.3USA (Texas) Roundyella dorsopapillosa (117948)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Hubei) Roundyella ovatiformis (145990)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3Italy Lethiersa sinusoventralis, Lethiersa salomonensis (106546 106547)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3USA (Texas) Roundyella dorsopapillosa (43517)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3Venezuela (Merida) Roundyella sp. (41512)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Jiangsu) Roundyella simplicissima (142185 142186 142187 142188)
Kungurian279.3 - 272.3China (Fujian) Roundyella simplicissima (95704 95705 95708)
Wordian266.9 - 264.28Oman Roundyella bellatula (49918)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51Japan Roundyella neopapillosa (109844)
Capitanian264.28 - 259.51China (Sichuan) Roundyella sp.1 (189439 189441 189445 189446 189461 189464) Roundyella sp.2 (189462)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Svalbard and Jan Mayen Roundyella simplicissima (145693) Roundyella simplicissima, Roundyella lebaensis (145692)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Italy Roundyella sp. (110840)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Lithuania Roundyella lebaensis (46170 46414 46520)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Hungary Roundyella kroemmelbeini (146217) Roundyella lebaensis (146218)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Iran Roundyella kroemmelbeini (155127 155128 155129 155130 155131 155132 155133 155137)
Wuchiapingian259.9 - 254.17Russian Federation (Kaliningrad) Roundyella lebaensis (46425)
Wuchiapingian - Changhsingian259.9 - 252.17Israel Roundyella papilliformis (95762)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17China (Fujian) Roundyella dorsopapillosa (121288) Roundyella papilliformis (121203 121290) Roundyella simplicissima (121225 121228) Roundyella simplicissima, Roundyella dorsopapillosa, Roundyella papilliformis (121291) Roundyella simplicissima, Roundyella papilliformis (121230 121293)
Changhsingian254.17 - 252.17Israel Roundyella papilliformis (108988 108990)
Griesbachian251.902 - 250.5Iran Roundyella papilliformis (168942)