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Lyginopteris was named by Potonie (1897). It is not extant. Its type is Dadoxylon oldhamium.

It was assigned to Pteridospermophyta by Andrews (1970); and to Sphenopteridae by Dilcher et al. (2005).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1897Lyginopteris Potonie
1970Lyginopteris Andrews
2005Lyginopteris Dilcher et al. p. 161

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genusLyginopterisPotonie 1897

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Lyginopteris Potonie 1897
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Lyginopteris hoeninghausi Potonie 1897
Lyginopteris oldhamia Binney 1866
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Environment: terrestrialf
Locomotion: stationaryf
Diet: C3 autotrophf
Vision: blindf
Created: 2023-03-25 00:24:44
Modified: 2023-03-25 00:24:44
Source: f = family
Reference: Stockmans 1968

Age range: base of the Chadian to the top of the Westphalian B or 346.70000 to 314.60000 Ma

Collections (35 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Tournaisian - Visean358.9 - 330.9United Kingdom (Wales) L. bermudensiformis (34465)
Mississippian358.9 - 323.2USA (West Virginia) L. fragilis, L. bermudensiformis, L. hoeninghausii (12694) L. hoeninghausi (12985 13015)
Carboniferous358.9 - 298.9USA (Alabama) L. hoeninghausi (28984 28985 28987 28988 28989 28990 28992) L. hoeninghausii (28982 28991 31028 31030 31031 31032 31033 31035)
Carboniferous358.9 - 298.9Turkey L. baeumleri, L. hoeninghausi (27824 27825) L. larischi (27820)
Chadian - Arundian346.7 - 340.0United Kingdom (England) L. papilio (21315)
Namurian330.9 - 318.7Czech Republic L. andrei, L. austriaca, L. corsinii, L. heterangioides, L. kubartii, L. lacunosa, L. schusteri, L. sturii, L. oldhamia (37356)
Pennsylvanian323.2 - 298.9USA (Georgia) L. sp. (150407)
Westphalian A318.7 - 316.9Germany L. oldhamia (37501)
Westphalian A318.7 - 316.9United Kingdom (England) L. corsinii, L. kubartii, L. oldhamia (37369) L. oldhamia (37359 37376 37382)
Westphalian A318.7 - 316.9Netherlands L. oldhamia (37497)
Westphalian A318.7 - 316.9Belgium L. oldhamia (37495)
Westphalian A - Westphalian B318.7 - 314.6Germany L. corsinii, L. oldhamia (37506)
Westphalian318.7 - 307.5USA (Alabama) L. hoeninghausi (81525)
Westphalian B - Westphalian C316.9 - 309.8Netherlands L. oldhamia (37600)