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Trilobita - Ptychopariida - Elviniidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1936Elviniidae Kobayashi
1997Elviniidae Whittington et al. p. 302
2002Elviniidae Jell and Adrain p. 471
2011Elviniidae Adrain p. 108

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
subphylumArtiopoda(Hou and Bergstrom)
classTrilobitaWalch 1771
orderPtychopariidaSwinnerton 1915
familyElviniidaeKobayashi 1936
familyElviniidaeKobayashi 1936

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Fm. †Elviniidae Kobayashi 1936
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G. †Chariocephalus Hall 1863
Chariocephalus tumifrons Hall and Whitfield 1877
G. †Dartonaspis Miller 1936
G. †Drumaspis Resser 1942
Drumaspis sabulosa Grant 1962
Drumaspis tanycodia Grant 1962
G. †Dunderbergia Walcott 1924
Dunderbergia bigranulosa Palmer 1960
Dunderbergia brevispina Palmer 1965
Dunderbergia calculosa Palmer 1965
Dunderbergia halli Resser 1935
Dunderbergia polybothra Palmer 1960
Dunderbergia simplex Rasetti 1961
G. †Dytremacephalus Palmer 1954
Dytremacephalus laevis Palmer 1954
Dytremacephalus strictus Rasetti 1965
G. †Elburgia Palmer 1960
Elburgia intermedia Palmer 1965
Elburgia quinnensis Resser 1942
G. †Elvinaspis Ergaliev 2001
Elvinaspis explicatus Ergaliev 2001
G. †Elvinia Walcott 1924
G. †Elviniella Palmer 1960
Elviniella laevis Palmer 1960
G. †Elvinoides Ivshin 1962
G. †Elviraspis Ivshin 1962
G. †Elyaspis Kurtz 1975
G. †Irvingella Ulrich and Resser 1924
Irvingella angustilimbata Kobayashi 1938
Irvingella flohri Resser 1942
Invalid names: Irvingella adamsensis Resser 1942 [synonym]
Irvingella major Ulrich and Resser 1924
Invalid names: Irvingella septentrionalis Walcott and Resser 1924 [synonym]
Irvingella norilica Lazarenko 1968
Irvingella perfecta Chernysheva 1968
Irvingella transversa Palmer 1965
Irvingella tropica Opik 1963
Invalid names: Komaspis Kobayashi 1935 [synonym], Parairvingella Kobayashi 1938 [synonym]
G. †Jessievillia Hohensee and Stitt 1989
Jessievillia radiatus Hohensee and Stitt 1989
G. †Kujandina
G. †Megadunderbergia Kobayashi 1938
G. †Onchopeltis Rasetti 1944
Onchopeltis spectabilis Rasetti 1944
G. †Paraenshia Qiu 1983
G. †Pesaia Walcott and Ressler 1928
G. †Prismenaspis Henderson 1976
Prismenaspis magnus Ergaliev 1980
Prismenaspis trisulcatus Ergaliev 1980
G. †Pseudosaukia Rasetti 1944
Pseudosaukia sesostris Billings 1865
G. †Qingshuihella Zhang 1980
No diagnoses are available
No measurements are available
Composition: low Mg calcitec
Composition 2: chitinc
Entire body: yesf
Adult length: 10 to < 100f
Adult width: 10 to < 100f
Ontogeny: molting, addition of partsc
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingc
Life habit: low-level epifaunalc
Diet: carnivorec
Vision: well-developedf
Comments: BODY SIZE: Based on component genera; 3 of 3 genera share 10 to < 100 length, 3 of 3 share 10 to < 100 width.f
Created: 2009-06-11 14:51:19
Modified: 2009-12-19 06:03:31
Source: f = family, c = class
References: Hendy 2009, Aberhan et al. 2004

Age range: base of the Paibian to the top of the Aksaian or 497.00000 to 491.50000 Ma

Collections (320 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Taoyuanian498.5 - 485.4Russian Federation (Krasnoyar) Irvingella cipita (132545) Irvingella norilica (132547 132590 132591 132592 132594) Irvingella perfecta (132504 132508) Irvingella perfecta, Irvingella angustilimbata (132506)
Taoyuanian498.5 - 485.4China (Zhejiang) Irvingella angustilimbata (128290) Irvingella convexa, Irvingella angustilimbata (128304) Irvingella convexa, Irvingella major (128306) Irvingella major (128305)
Taoyuanian498.5 - 485.4China (Hunan) Irvingella angustilimbata (126658 126687 126688)
Taoyuanian498.5 - 485.4China (Henan) Irvingella taitzuhoensis (129214)
Taoyuanian498.5 - 485.4South Korea Irvingella convexa (133449 133450 133451 133452 133453 133454 133456 133457 133458) Irvingella coreanica (133460 133464) Irvingella major (133466 133467 133469 133472) Irvingella megalops (133443 133444 133445 133446) Irvingella megalops, Irvingella convexa (133448)
Taoyuanian498.5 - 485.4Russian Federation (Sakha) Irvingella major (133592)
Paibian497.0 - 494.0USA (Texas) Dunderbergia variagranula (208651 208690 208691 208692 208989) Dunderbergia variagranula, Dytremacephalus granulosus (208826 208979) Dunderbergia variagranula, Dytremacephalus granulosus, Dytremacephalus laevis (208980) Dunderbergia variagranula, Dytremacephalus laevis (208981 208982) Dytremacephalus granulosus (234 208738)
Paibian497.0 - 494.0Russian Federation (Sakha) Irvingella megalops (133590)
Dresbachian - Steptoean497.0 - 493.5Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) Dytremacephalus strictus (78937)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Pennsylvania) Elvinia roemeri (156630 156644 156656 156657 156658 156674) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major (156632 156640 156642 156670 156673 156675) Irvingella major (9265 156631 156634 156641 156661 156662)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Tennessee) Dunderbergia sp. (64609)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Nevada and Utah) Dunderbergia anyta, Dunderbergia varigranula, Dunderbergia nitida, Elburgia granulosa, Dunderbergia bigranulosa, Dunderbergia polybothra, Dytremacephalus asperaxis, Dytremacephalus granulosus (74910)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Vermont) Dunderbergia directifrons (8977)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5Canada (British Columbia) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella convexa, Irvingella sp. B Chatterton and Gibb 2016, Irvingella flohri (219685) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major (54074)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Nevada) Dunderbergia anyta (114601 114602 122134) Dunderbergia anyta, Dytremacephalus granulosus (114603) Dunderbergia bigranulosa (75268 75269 110448 110621 122139) Dunderbergia bigranulosa, Dytremacephalus asperaxis (110447) Dunderbergia brevispina (114290 114292 114595) Dunderbergia calculosa (114293) Dunderbergia nitida (75272 111326 122141) Dunderbergia nitida, Dunderbergia bigranulosa (110449 110622) Dunderbergia nitida, Elburgia granulosa (110623) Dunderbergia nitida, Elvinia roemeri (75273) Dunderbergia nitida, Elvinia roemeri, Elviniella laevis (110627) Dunderbergia nitida, Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella flohri (113396) Dunderbergia nitida, Elvinia sp., Elburgia quinnensis (75271) Dunderbergia polybothra (75270) Dunderbergia variagranula (114609 122140) Elburgia granulosa (110446 110625) Elburgia granulosa, Dunderbergia polybothra (111325) Elburgia quinnensis (114296) Elvinia roemeri (110628 110629 114298 114301) Elvinia roemeri, Dunderbergia variagranula (114608) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella angustilimbatus (111327 111328 114297) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major (110633 111329 113400) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella transversa (113398) Elviniella laevis (110624 114604) Irvingella angustilimbatus (114300) Irvingella flohri (113394 113395 113397 114304 114305) Irvingella major (113399 114610)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5Canada (Alberta) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major (54078)
Steptoean497.0 - 493.5USA (Arkansas) Elvinia roemeri, Elvinia granulata, Irvingella major (225281)
Sakian497.0 - 492.8Kazakhstan Irvingella perfecta (118373) Irvingella perfecta, Irvingella major (118375) Irvingella sp. (118331 118334 118340 118342) Irvingella sp., Irvingella perfecta, Elvinaspis explicatus, Irvingella major (118380) Irvingella sp., Irvingella perfecta, Irvingella major (118376 118379) Irvingella tropica (118333 118336 118339 118341) Parairvingella sp. (118310 118313) Prismenaspis trisulcatus (118260 118263) Prismenaspis trisulcatus, Prismenaspis magnus (118264 118304 118305)
Steptoean - Sunwaptan497.0 - 487.5Canada (Newfoundland) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major (196020)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (Virginia) Dunderbergia variagranula, Dunderbergia simplex (62204)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4Canada (Yukon) Dunderbergia nitida, Dunderbergia sp., Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major (55281) Dytremacephalus convexiproroides, Elburgia disgranosa (55277) Elburgia disgranosa (55233) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella angustilimbata (55225) Irvingella major (55226)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (Alaska) Dunderbergia seducta (64801) Dunderbergia sp. (225280) Dytremacephalus sp., Elburgia disgranosa (64800) Elburgia sp. (64803)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (California) Elburgia quinnensis (226677)
Dresbachian497.0 - 485.4USA (Nevada) Dytremacephalus sp., Dunderbergia sp. (241) Dytremacephalus sp., Dunderbergia sp., Elburgia sp. (240) Elburgia quinnensis, Elviniella laevis (75437)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4USA (Montana) Drumaspis briscoensis (247) Elvinia roemeria (244) Elvinia sp. (246) Irvingella sp. (242)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4USA (Missouri) Elvinia roemeri (9154 9191 9192 9194 9196 9208) Elvinia roemeri, Elyaspis missouriensis (9146 9147 9152) Irvingella major (9153 9209) Irvingella major, Irvingella flohri (9145) Irvingella sp. (9199)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4Canada (Yukon) Drumaspis sp. (55304)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4USA (Indiana) Elvinia sp. (245)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4USA (Arkansas) Irvingella major (77107)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4Canada (British Columbia) Elvinia sp., Irvingella sp. (50595)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4USA (Wyoming) Elvinia roemeri (8952 9047)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4USA (South Dakota) Dartonaspis wichitaensis (9734 9735 9742) Dartonaspis witchitaensis (9744)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4Canada (Newfoundland) Dunderbergia sp. (197982)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4USA (Wisconsin) Elvinia sp., Irvingella sp. (267)
Franconian497.0 - 485.4USA (Minnesota) Chariocephalus whitfieldi (62114 62115 62116 62119 62120 62121 62122 62123) Drumaspis sabulosa (62099 62101) Drumaspis tanycodia (62118)
Franconian - Dolgellian497.0 - 485.4USA (Missouri) Elvinia roemeri, Elyaspis missouriensis (9586)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4USA (Arkansas) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major (229194 229195) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major, Jessievillia radiatus (229131) Irvingella major (229128 229129 229132 229133 229193 229198) Irvingella major, Jessievillia radiatus (229196)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4USA (Utah) Dunderbergia anyta (156398 156399) Dunderbergia anyta, Dunderbergia bigranulosa (156450) Dunderbergia anyta, Elburgia sp. (156475) Dunderbergia bigranulosa (156451) Dunderbergia sp. (156390 156396 156397 156434 156472 156473) Dunderbergia sp., Elburgia sp. (156462) Dytremacephalus sp. (156403) Dytremacephalus sp., Elburgia granulosa (156447) Elburgia granulosa (156393 156394) Elburgia intermedia (156433) Elburgia sp. (156391 156392 156474) Elvinia sp. (156445) Elvinia sp., Irvingella flohri (156446) Irvingella major (156444)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4South Korea Irvingella convexa (74269)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4USA (Oklahoma) Irvingella major (229191 229192)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4USA (California) Dunderbergia variagranula (226276 226279) Elburgia quinnensis (226277 226278 226282 226284)
Furongian497.0 - 485.4USA (Texas) Elvinia roemeri (156254 156255 156256 156259 156260 156262 156264 156267 156269 156270 156272 156273 156277 156278 156279 156280 156282 156283 156286 156288 156289 156290 156291 156296 156302 156305 156306 156307 156308 156340 156343 156345 156346 156347 156348 156349 156350 156351 156352) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella burnetensis, Irvingella media (156339) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella media (156275) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella sp. (156293 156297 156303 156342) Irvingella burnetensis (156271 156281 156285 156304) Irvingella burnetensis, Irvingella media (156299) Irvingella media (156268) Irvingella media, Irvingella burnetensis (156337) Irvingella sp., Irvingella media (156298)
Iverian494.0 - 489.5Russian Federation (Novaya Zemlya) Irvingella arctica, Pesaia exsculpta, Irvingella septentrionalis (222974)
Sunwaptan493.5 - 487.5Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador) Pseudosaukia sesostris (81277)
Sunwaptan493.5 - 487.5Canada (Alberta) Dartonaspis wichitaensis (54092) Drumaspis idahoensis (54090 64687 81299) Drumaspis idahoensis, Chariocephalus whitfieldi (54091) Drumaspis sp. (81304) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major (54077) Irvingella major (54084)
Aksaian492.8 - 491.5Kazakhstan Irvingella perfecta (118382)
Dolgellian492.5 - 485.4USA (Pennsylvania) Elvinia roemeri (62077 62078 62091) Elvinia roemeri, Irvingella major (62080 62081) Irvingella major (62079)
Trempealeauan492.5 - 485.4Canada (Quebec) Onchopeltis spectabilis (224148) Pseudosaukia brevifrons (224135)