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Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Pachydiscidae

Canadoceras was named by Spath (1922) [Sepkoski's age data: K Sant-u K Maes-l Sepkoski's reference number: 971].

It was assigned to Ammonoidea by Sepkoski (2002); and to Pachydiscidae by Matsumoto (1959), Matsumoto (1984), Shigeta (2016) and Shigeta and Izukura (2018).

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1922Canadoceras Spath
1959Canadoceras Matsumoto pp. 52 - 53
1984Canadoceras Matsumoto p. 18
2002Canadoceras Sepkoski
2016Canadoceras Shigeta p. 339
2018Canadoceras Shigeta and Izukura p. 18

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EubilateriaAx 1987
classCephalopodaCuvier 1797
suborderAmmonitinaHyatt 1889
superfamilyDesmoceratoidea(Zittel 1895)
familyPachydiscidaeSpath 1922
genusCanadocerasSpath 1922

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Canadoceras Spath 1922
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Canadoceras andromeda Maury 1930
Canadoceras fraternum Gabb 1869
Canadoceras hoepeni Collignon 1955
Canadoceras multicostatum Matsumoto 1954
Canadoceras multisulcatum Whiteaves 1903
Canadoceras mysticum Matsumoto 1954
Invalid names: Canadoceras celeste Anderson 1958 [synonym], Canadoceras georgianum Anderson 1958 [synonym]
Canadoceras whiteavesi Anderson 1958
Canadoceras yokoyamai Jimbo 1894
No diagnoses are available
shell height1039.
shell diameter1096.126.0220.0100.558.1
shell inflation1027.56.0060.029.517.3

Composition: aragoniteo
Environment: marinec
Locomotion: fast-movingo
Life habit: nektonico
Diet: carnivoreo
Vision: well-developedc
Created: 2005-01-28 02:27:03
Modified: 2009-10-08 14:14:55
Source: o = order, c = class
References: Kiessling 2003, Kiessling 2004

Age range: base of the Coniacian to the top of the Early/Lower Campanian or 89.80000 to 70.60000 Ma

Collections (54 total)

Time interval Ma Country or state Original ID and collection number
Coniacian89.8 - 86.3USA (California) C. celeste (44237) C. sp. (44233)
Santonian86.3 - 83.6USA (California) C. fraternum (44276) C. subtilobatum (44273)
Santonian - Early/Lower Campanian86.3 - 70.6USA (California) C. celeste (215609)
Early/Lower Santonian85.8 - 83.5Canada (British Columbia) C. sp. (127684)
Early/Lower Santonian85.8 - 83.5USA (California) C. multicostatum (158104)
Late/Upper Santonian - Early/Lower Campanian85.8 - 70.6USA (California) C. yokoyamai, C. hoepeni (225736)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1USA (Washington) C. newberryanum (86870 86871 158388) C. sp. (86868)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1USA (California) C. fraternum (44274) C. mysticum (86940) C. newberryanum (158389 224943 225679) C. sp. (86938 224992 225683 225684 225686) C. yokoyamai (225685)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1Japan C. multicostatum (87024 87026 87027 87028)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1USA (Alaska) C. kossmati (158358) C. newberryanum (44071 158330 158343 158345 158349 158351 158352 158353 158354 158356 158359 158360 158361) C. yokoyamai (158366)
Campanian83.6 - 72.1Canada (British Columbia) C. multisulcatum (158390)
Early/Lower Campanian83.5 - 70.6Japan C. kossmati (87037)
Early/Lower Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (California) C. fraternum (44277) C. yokoyamai (3885 225634)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (Washington) C. newberryanum (86869)
Late/Upper Campanian83.5 - 70.6Russian Federation (Sakhalin) C. multicostatum (4872)
Middle Campanian83.5 - 70.6Japan C. multicostatum (181920 199733 199735)
Middle Campanian83.5 - 70.6USA (California) C. sp. (86936)
Maastrichtian - Late/Upper Maastrichtian72.1 - 66.0Brazil (ParaĆ­ba) C. riogramamense, C. andromeda (88070)